STC Italia, Service trading & consulting, a world of opportinities


STC is able to provide you with a full program of ESD Flooring in line with the requested conductivity and resistances for your manufacturing or medical unit. Each one of STC's ESD Flooring is supported with a certification, providing you with the security of conductivity as requested by the authorities.

STC has own testing equipment, whereby we can measure the conductivity of your requested flooring.
STC has the ability to provide you multiple types of ESD flooring from Coatings, to Self levelling, as well multi-layer systems, and last but not least transpirant systems. Our ESD systems can provide thicknesses from 200 mircon to 3 mm.
STC's systems can be used in Industry (Electronica, Automotive, Paint plants etc.) as well as in medical environments as Hospitals Surgery wards, Dentists, ER rooms etc.


Floor Coatings
Self Levelling Flooring
ESD (ElectroStatic Discharge) Flooring
Anti-Wear Flooring
Lining & Markings